The PiCocktail projects involve various AVR microcontrollers, some operating from internal clocks and/or using ATtiny MCUs in order to meet printed circuit board (PCB) design constraints. These "board" configurations are at present (February 2013) not supported by Gordon Henderson's Arduino IDE extensions but the necessary support can easily be added by executing the following steps:
- Ensure that your Raspian system is up to date (sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade)
- If you have not already installed the Arduino IDE and Gordon Henderson's extensions, do so by following the instructions here.
- Start up the Arduino IDE and confirm that Tools > Boards presents a menu list of boards that includes ATmega328 and ATmega168 Gertboards. Confirm also that Tools > Programmers presents a list of programmers that includes the Raspberry Pi GPIO. Exit the Arduino IDE.
- If there is not already a ~/sketchbook/hardware folder, create one by: mkdir ~/sketchbook/hardware
- Using the Chromium web browser, download the arduino4picocktails.tar archive file from here .
- Move the archive from ~/Downloads to ~/sketchbook/hardware using the file manager or command line: mv ~/Downloads/arduino4picocktails.tar ~/sketchbook/hardware
- Extract the archive there using Raspian's file manager or execute from the command line as follows: cd ~/sketchbook/hardware; tar xf arduino4picocktails.tar
- Start up the Arduino IDE and confirm that Tools > Boards presents a menu list of boards that includes "BattMan+ w/ ATtiny44 (8 MHz internal clock)"
ATmega168/328 boards have sufficient memory and the necessary serial I/O support to run the StandardFirmata sketch that can be found among the Example sketches that come bundled with the Arduino IDE. If you wish to explore this interesting protocol that can allow RasPi to access the ATmega analog and digital I/O ports via a UART connection, you may be interested in the basic test program, whose set up procedure is described on the Issue15 page of this blog.
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